Howdy Folks-
I wanted to share with ya'll a short story I wrote back in 2009.
I'm not editing it, so what you will read in the following is my little mind at work to write in accordance with what I believed the Lord had for me to get on paper.
A question and God's Answer!
Did you know that Halloween is something called Falsehood? October is a scary month (and don't ask me why some people like to scare little children, it does not make much sense.
I haven't researched it much, but I guess Halloween is a time when the (so called) evil spirits are supposed to visit people, don't ask I don't know why.
And do you know also that this world is trying to make God, Jesus our Creator, a time in the past; :(
"He doesn't exist" or "We came from apes" (Good grief they must be crazy.)
But, my Dad told me they don't want to give God the credit. (How sad) :(
Our country was (and still is) based on the faith of our founding fathers. (tho some people don't follow Jesus anymore) :( And that's sad, because didn't He die for those people? All of us in fact! :)
"For while we were still helpless at the right time Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:6
It's your choice how to celebrate Halloween, but I hope this has changed your perspective on the subject.
Till He comes, (which will be soon)
Emmy Audrey
Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:7
A question to ponder :)
The Lord will be coming soon! :) Are you ready?????
Haha, my writings sometimes have no focus or clear direction and I am so thankful that my writing skills have improved since then. I really enjoy looking back though and reading these short stories I wrote when I was younger because I love to reread the Scripture references and see how well God enabled me to place them in the right accordance with my current topic.
Thanks for reading!
Till He Comes,
P.s. How can I pray for you?
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