Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The power of observance

You find beauty in glorious majesties....
You see the pain in peoples eyes and experience joy at the sight of a blooming flower....
You know the meaning of a silent glance or a withering glare....
Your eyes are miraculous, intricate and far beyond amazing....
You see colors and watch sunshine splash the evening sky...
You glance longingly after those you love and stare passionately into the eyes of a lover....
You feel grief, express tears and anguish over a death....
You see the promise of new life in a birth, green grass and the cross....
You know the certainty of death in sin, failing health and leaves falling from the tree...
You look in amazement over the change of seasons and progression of time passing....
Your eyes are a blessings, yes so easily taken for granted
Eyes are powerful
Emotions like passion, hatred, love, hurt, strength and weakness can all be caught in a fleeting glance.
Eyes tell a story
You can establish an understanding of another party based on looks, stares and gazes.
You have a chosen color of the rainbow to set apart your eyes from another.
You see pain, sadness, mercy, tenderness, purity, hurt, joy, love, thoughtfulness and endurance.

......What would life be without the ability to observe?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

It's 36 degrees outside!!!

Hey Ya'll-

It felt so warm doing chores today! I am loving it! 
A short video of morning chores in the chicken coop.
Daddy and Peter installed and started the heater in the coop a couple days ago! Its been alot warmer in there now and as soon as I rig up the lightening our odds for getting eggs will be greater! 

Rusty is a very energetic and outgoing dog. He's got to much energy, I tell ya.

 Homemade Chinese Lo Mein 


 Monday, I went to the Comings to help, play games, go sledding, wash dishes and be goofy! 

ALL of the above were accomplished and it was a wonderful time!

That night gave great promise for a frosty morning 
and soooooooo.........

I joyously took these beautiful pictures Tuesday morning. 

 That night, after class, I set up the info table for Cru. 
I made smore's bars and typed up the "Local Churches" list. 

Afterwards, some girls and I went out for some fellowship and food! It's great encouragement to have to ability to hang out with girls and be around that spiritual example. 
(Amanda, with the glasses, Nicole, with the ballcap, Emily, with the gray shirt and myself)

 curly hair is so pretty! 

Prayer for healing for myself and family would be appreciated folks, sickness keeps rearing its ugly face. Being ill is taking its toll on the emotions and I struggle to be thankful and praise the Lord for my situation. Alas, my burden is not so heavy that He cannot carry it.

"The Lord preserves the simple;
when I was brought low, He saved me. Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."
~Psalm 116:6 & 7

Monday, January 16, 2017

Proverbs 31 family? Above Rubies? Why my Mom is My best Friend?

Howdy Folks-

Do those titles make sense? I couldn't pick which fit best, so all of the above work! 
Read what I wrote this afternoon to get the jest of what I am referring to here! :) 


Not only can the woman who bore you be a great Mom, but a best friend too.
Quite often my Dad relates to my Mom as a Proverb's 31 Woman. He praises her and uplifts her (Proverbs 31:28) I never hear him tear her down or lord over her.
She is wise and always learning something new.
She can tell when somethings wrong and she will listen as you talk. As well as hold you while you cry. Mom's truly are amazing beings. They can vary in personalities, appearances, colors, skills, and backgrounds. And yet, all share the common bond of an undefying love for their families. 
Far above rubies is my Mother to me. Her unfailing trust in the Lord and her prayer life are admirable. I am so privileged to have her incredible example in my life! 

Friends will come and go, but your kinda stuck with your family!
Parents can be your best friends. After all, God chose them for you and He does know best. 

Siblings will have a lasting impact on each other and forever share the memories of growing up together. And after living with them for how ever long, you began to have this annoying feature added to your lifeπŸ˜†.....Knowing Them.
You can tell when they are sad, you see their moods, you know when to leave them alone....and when to comfort them. You know when you've said to much and hurt them, and yet,  know how to cheer them up again and make them laugh. You know when you haven't said enough "I love you's", you watch them grow up and reminisce together about the good ole' days. You cover for them, you see their mistakes, you stick by their side, your their biggest critic and greatest encourager.
You know how to push buttons and make them mad, how to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong" and neither party can keep from smiling when Mom makes you hug each other after asking for forgiveness. 

My father is such a character! He loves his children as the Father who first loved us sinners. He has the best interest at heart for me and he cares how I spend my time. He takes interest in and pushes me farther in my spiritual gifts. My Mom has said many a time how she couldn't do it without my Daddy's faithful presence, leadership, guidance and love for her. 
His convictions come straight from a life of faithful obedience to God's Word, praying and waiting on the Lord. He only cares about what Christ thinks of how he lives his life and takes the responsibility  of his family within the gates of heaven seriously. 
I fully trust and value his opinion and direction when the time comes for a spouse. Because he knows my worth, he will be sure that that man is worthy of me. But not before coming to a very clear understanding that that man is a strong godly believer and leader!

With all that said,
 I want to share my personal thoughts on how the godly family is to be.

I firmly believe God orchestrated the family as 
Husband (male) & Wife [(female) Genesis 2:18-24]
+a heritage of children (Psalms 127:3, Genesis 9:1) 
Husband, being the head and leader. Bread winner. (1 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Timothy 5:8)
Wife, submissive to her husband. Helpmeet. (Genesis 3:16)
Children, obedient to parents, trained up in the way that they should go. (Proverbs 22:6)

God has been so gracious to me and has supremely blessed me beyond my wildest dreams!πŸ’™πŸ’˜

Friday, January 13, 2017

Winter chills

Good Morning Ya'll-

Nice, crisp winter temps today! 

Needless to say I am missing summer, BIG TIME!
I went back through my pictures to remind myself how nice and green summertime is! These photo's were taken at my first farm internship about 20 miles from here. 

Chores are challenging with it so cold outside. I have to find a different plan for keeping the water thawed for the hens......its almost worthless to go and water them cause it literally freezes within the next hour 😞

I started classes this week! So far its been really nice and we've gone over a few songs that are new to me and one in particular called "Northern Lights" by the Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo. Its Latin words too which is certainly a change for me. But the song is super pretty! 
Here, you can listen to the song! 
We will have two concerts coming up to sing for, that's exciting! 

Writing papers, studying, being diligent to my commitments, discipline, practice, motivation, reading, singing, playing piano, chores, walking, late nights, eating well and dressing for the cold weather.
These are just a few of the things I find myself doing of late. Praise the Lord for helping me learn to be a better doer then a procrastinator! 
"Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy." ~Psalm 33:3
"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion." ~Proverbs 28:1


Egg in a hole, with buttery, crusty bread, avocado and crispy bacon! Delicious breakfast! 

 I'm making crispy almonds from Nourishing Traditions children'c cookbook. Soaking and dehydrating the almonds helps make them easier for the body to digest. 
I love crispy almonds with raisins as a good snack. You have your protein and a natural sweetener.

I took the training and passed the exam for applying for the MN Cottage Food license! I will check with my local court house to make sure I am within the county's laws and then send my registration in.So I can hopefully sell certain products from our home kitchen. 
I have been doing some doodling to figure out a logo to use on my products. And I am also looking into some online marketing tips from a few experienced friends. 

Snow is pretty!

How is everyone's winter going?

Please comment below if you enjoy reading my blog. I sure appreciate the encouragement!

Till He Comes,

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

What's up!

Hey Ya'll!

How is life been for everyone?!  Is it cold for ya too? Temps were in the -5 degree range tonight.
Cold, black coffee! πŸ˜€ Just the way I like it! 
Chores included shoveling this morning. WE GOT SNOW! 
I also shoveled more snow up against the coop to keep it better insulated. 
Our cat likes being in with the chickens and the hens don't seem to mind having her around so she stays in the coop. Taking car of any mice issues we could incur. 

 Momma has been baking away this afternoon and made a plentiful days work of bread! Yay! Sandwiches! Its a delicious crusty bread too! Here is a link to the recipe!

So a new thing that happened in my life was starting college. Now technically, I am not a full time student. I am only taking one credit and applied as a non-degree student. But with the application comes getting alot of things set up for the new semester and taking advantage of what NDSCS in Wahpeton has to offer. My first class started today and I am really hoping/praying it helps me become more bold in my singing ability! I am taking concert choir.
Later this evening I attended CRU. It was nice to spend time with some like-minded people and mainly getting to know some girls πŸ˜„πŸ’— Lord willing, it looks like some possibilities of ministry have opened up with that group and I eagerly await the Lord's direction on where He is taking me next!

I'm very excited to see how the Lord has been working on my life and working everything out for His glory! I am simply amazed at how He has allowed me to bless others with my gifts and to also provide the opportunity to do so! He always amazes me with His enduring love, faithfulness and guidance for my life. I serve an amazing Lord! I have so many blessings too.....not only is Christ allowing me to go to college but He also is providing for my every need so far and I know HE will continue to do so for His honor and glory in the future too.
A running vehicle, money for various needs, a well working phone and laptop, the knowledge of logic, good Christian radio (Heaven 88.7) worship songs, a bible, cute journals, fun gel pens, water to drink, books to read, time to study, learning to better manage my time, a warm jacket, girlfriends, snow!, a home, sleep, prayer, mismatched socks, organized room, my family and a cozy bed. 

What are some of your blessings today?
Till He Comes, 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 Youth Rally

Hey guys.....P.S.
Here is the video I put together, with my photography taken at the Youth Rally my brothers and I attended this weekend! It was such an amazing time and I came away with so much encouragement and lots of notes πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Last year

Howdy Ya'll-

Here are a couple videos I made to make up for the posts I didn't have time to write! 
I hope ya'll enjoy! 

Our Christmas Eve Appetizer Party ^ 

Goodbye 2016, hello 2017! 
W0w, do the years just speed up as I grow older?  It sure seems like that! 
I am learning to count each day God gives me as a super, duper blessing! Thank you to everyone who has been by my side, challenged me, guided me, loved me, teased me, made me laugh when it was hard and prayed for me! TO God be the GLORY, and HONOR and PRAISES!!!!!

Please let me know if any of ya have prayer requests! I have a daily prayer list and I would be more then happy to add you to that list! 
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!πŸ’–

Till He Comes,

Thursday, January 5, 2017

sewing -~-~-~-~

Howdy Ya'll-

Uffda, I am so behind with writing.....I have at least 3 blog posts I've wanted to post a few weeks ago! Jeepers, time sure does fly....my brain has a hard time keeping up sometimes.

Oh well, I shall simply update ya'll on what I did today then. God knows my struggle and will provide the right timing for everything!

So I cracked out the ole' sewing machine to get a few projects done this afternoon. Took a while to get back in the swing of how one works again, but I sure gott'er! After some frustration, anger and hatred, I am sad to report. Its a crazy love/hate relationship with my sewing machine. Hopefully using it more will bring less struggle. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ
Beautiful picture right there! 
 So I was making a infinity scarf from this book here "Sewing Happiness" 
I actually ended up making 4 of them, they are quite easy to make once you get into the swing of it and also will make lovely gifts for some women I know :) 

 I also did some hand sewing on my skirt add on here. Though I am not a real fan of horses this border looks lovely encircling the bottom of my skirt! :) 

I roasted a delicious natural, free-range pastured chicken for supper! I brushed the top with melted butter and some various seasonings. It filled the house with a wonderful aroma.....I think I am starting to like chicken again! 
I de-boned what was left afterwards and am in the process of cooking up chicken bone broth.
Its sooooo good for you too! It it is rich in minerals and a great supporter of the healthy immune systems! ALL you sickies out there listen up! 

Well, I see its almost midnight. I should probably get some sleep.
My brothers and I are heading to Detroit Lakes tomorrow for a youth rally at a church there! 
There will be skiing, games, food and a good speaker from what I know. It looks like fun! 

Till He Comes,

Monday, January 2, 2017

His Suffering.....

   Little is my need to voice my complaints. 
For I am reminded of Christ's suffering, his broken body, 
poured out for us. "For this is My blood of the covenant, 
which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sin." 
~Matthew 26:28
"Do this in remembrance of Me."
   I think it good to reflect upon and imagine His gruesome 
suffering, pain and humiliation on our behalf.
"He paid a debt I could not pay. I owed a debt I could not pay." 
Who am I, to say to God 
"Why are you doing this to me?!" or "This hurts too much!"

   A crown of thorns cut into His skull and bled out rivers of red. Jesus was scourged. He was whipped with strands of leather. Leather strips bound together with tips of metal. He was bound to a post. Only to have the flesh on His back get ripped to literal shreds. And the humiliation deepens. A wet face from human spit is revealed, stinging no doubt from the torn flesh on His face. Used as a human punching bag, to be hit countless times. His frame weakens from this. Alas, He is expected to carry His cross, weighing up to 200 lbs. He has scars on His wrists and ankles from pieces of metal more similar to pole barn spikes I'd say...used to bind Him on the cross for 3 hours. Even after all this, He refuses a drink purposed for numbing the pain sensors in His body. 
Bloody, bruised, hurting, crushed, humiliated, disgraced, and hated. I know not who hurts more: The Father or the Son. The Father knowing what is best, yet pained Him so deeply to see His Son suffer. 

   If that doesn't humble you and stop you in your complaining
 tracks, I know not what will.Your suffering and pain sure seems 
minor now. Its very unfathomable how after all that suffering He is 
yet able to extend mercy and understanding to us and our little hurts! 

"Christ was willing to be broken bread for the life of the world. 
He was poured out like wine. This means He accepted being
ground like wheat and crushed like the grape. Our small hurts,
so infinitely smaller then His, may yet be trustfully surrendered 
to His transforming work. The trial of faith is a thing worth more
than gold." ~Quest for Love, Elizabeth Elliot.

Written by: Emmy Tolbert
When: Communion Sunday. January 1st 2017

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Country Girls Paradise

   She stands by the window, only illuminated by a single candle
in each window frame. Contemplating  her past year. Her eyes
rest on the city lights, remembering just a few short months
earlier such a different life. Amazed, with the ability God gave
 her to see beauty in things so easily taken for granted. In awe,
in how her life has changed. Finding peace and contentment,
she watches the clouds slowly move a crossed the sky, giving
a partial glow to the night. Gazing at the perfectly placed stars
her heart is filled with joy. There is an unexplainable peace in
the quiet of the dark log home that surprises this country girl.
New! Fresh!
   She's been through hard times, arguments, separation and
a wanting to shrink from the pain and madness. Forced happiness,
fake smiles, heartbreak and tears. A place where she never felt
so alone. There have been times when she cried, "Why do I feel!?!?!"
     "I told myself I'd make a brand new start." With Christ as my
center. "I am never looking back".  A New Year means a fresh
start and a happiness unbelievable....finally in God's Will! So
incrediably thankful and joyous is she!
Her life now learning its focus to be on what Christ wants for
and will do in her life. She has gained maturity, patience, joy
contentment and trust in the Lord for her future.
   Her countence is one of ultimate grace, genuineness, joy
"cheery", peace, smiles galore, contented and happiness.
He is restoring me!
  "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,
who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself
~1 Peter 5:10

Written by: Emmy Tolbert
When: December 31st 2016 @ 11:50 pm

Rewarding weekend

Loaded up my ice fishing gear and essentials for the cold weather  and headed to Bay Lake, MN for the weekend.  Arrival at 6:06 pm ...